15 Most Important Things To Do Before Applying For Google Adsense

 Most Important Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense 15 Most Important Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense
What should I do to my Blog/Website before applying for Google AdSense? That question really bothered me before, because I know that many bloggers are crying now for their Google AdSense application was rejected. So I decided to show you the 15 most important things to do before applying in AdSense

You must be thinking these questions:
How to apply for Adsense? How to qualify for AdSsense? Am I eligible to apply for AdSense? What are Google AdSense Requirements? Why Google AdSense rejected my application?. This post is going to answer all that questions and I hope that this article will also answer the questions you have right now in your mind. Just keep on reading this and I promise that you will never regret!

Reasons Why AdSense Will Reject Your Application

Every blogger dreams to have an AdSense account for it is the best premium ads network and of course, Google owned it. But many of them are rejected by the AdSense team this is due to many circumstances. The main reason why their application rejected is the lack of knowledge of the things that every blogger should do first to their blog before applying in Google Adsense. Please read the carefully the most common reasons and Google Adsense requirements below.

1. Insufficient or Unacceptable Site Content - Your blog or website doesn't have enough contents for the AdSense team to review, and always remember that the ads will be based on your site contents. 

You are not allowed to use Adsense if your posts are promoting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, pornography and pirated materials. Not just that your content must be unique not copy paste from another site. It should be grammatically correct and it's readable by a human being. 

Google AdSense does not support web site with other languages, please make sure that you have an English website content, there are only a few languages that AdSense supports you can see the list here.

2. Ugly Blog designs and Navigation - If your blog is ugly, Adsense team will surely reject your application they hate bad designs. You must have a professional blog design. You can apply the saying: Simplicity is a beauty just make your blog look clean. 
Try to visit others blog that already accepted in AdSense and copy the idea of their blog designs. And make sure that your blog is easy to navigate and all the links there should have a destination, empty links is a bad idea.

3. No Privacy Policy, About us or Contact Us page - You must have About us, Privacy Policy and Contact Us pages. These pages are very important because it gives an impression to your visitors and to the AdSense team that you are a professional blogger and you are following the Google AdSense Policies. 

4. Not Following the AdSense Program Policies - Failure to comply the AdSense aktivitas policies will result in rejection of your application and in worst cases may AdSense accounts are now ban because of their disobedience.

Important Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

Many bloggers are rejected by the AdSense team. There is so many reasons why this rejection happened to them. That's why I'm here to help you. I will explain how I successfully get an AdSense account and what every blogger should do before applying on AdSense. I already applied in Google Adsense and I was accepted and my account is now verified so better to listen to my advice and instructions below.

1. Privacy Policy Page:
One of the common mistakes of every bloggers is not listening to other blogger. Maybe you are thinking that that having a privacy policy for a Blog is not important but they are wrong. You must have a privacy policy or else Google will reject your application. 

The Privacy Policy means that you are not scamming people and you are serious about your blog or business. A privacy actually describes to your readers on what they should do and what they should not on your website.

Having Privacy Policy is not a bad idea but a brilliant idea to make your blog professional. I really recommend to you to have this page and I'm sure that you will be accepted. You can view my privacy policy and copy it or you can also find Privacy Generator online by searching "privacy policy page generator" in google.

2. About Us Page:
Like privacy policy an about us page is important before getting adsense these will create an impression that you are serious about you blog. 

About Us page is just a simple page that describes you and your blog there's nothing special here. Just describe honestly yourself and the services that the visitors may get from your website. You can view my About Us page and copy it or you can also find About Us page Generator online by searching "about us page generator" in google.

3. Contact Us Page:
Basicallys Contact Us Page is where your visitors or readers can contact you if they found aproblem, suggestions or any questions to you. This is very important in order o build a good relationship with your readers.

In contact u page  you cam create a contact form, you can also include your email address and other social profiles like Facebook, twitter, and Instagram accounts. Make your that your email is somehow related to your blog URL

4. Email/Name Verification:
When you are applying for AdSense make sure that you put your email and name on the visible part of your blog. You can put your name and email in About Us page and also in the Contact Us page. 

5. Legal Age Verification:
This is the most common mistakes of q young blogger, Google AdSense is not for a minor. You need to be in a legal age in order to join in AdSense and that age is 18 years old above.

When Applying for AdSense please be honest about your age to avoid future masalah rejection of your application. Always remember that AdSense is for 18 years old above or else just keep posting articles in your blog and apply for until you turn to 18 years old.

6. Blog Designs:
You must have a blog design that is pleasant to the eyes. This is important in order to get an AdSense account. Your blog design is where the design of the advertisement will be base on. 

As I said above you can spy other blogs that already has an Adsense so that you can have an idea of designing your blog. You can buy a premium template for blogger and WordPress for as low as $10. 

7. Navigation Bar:
Navigation kafetaria is very useful for every website or blog, your visitors will use this to navigate to the different posts/page on your blog. So make sure that all the links in your navigation kafetaria are properly working.

Last month my blog received a warning about the navigation bar. Due to the empty navigation link, the link in my navigation kafetaria doesn't have a destination. If you've done like that on your blog remove it right now.

8. Types of Content:
May of us is not aware of the contents that Google AdSense accept because we always focus on money and not to Google policy. Okay if you really want to have an AdSense account and get approve, your content should not have or promote these: Illegal Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, Hacking Firearms, Pornography and Pirated materials.

9. Website Links:
Your website sidebar or articles must not connect to any porn sites, and pirated websites that provide download links for pirated software or movies. Providing a direct download link for crack software and movies is also prohibited by the AdSense aktivitas policy.

Linking your blog to the said prohibited contents will result in rejection of your application and I'm sure if you have already an AdSense account disobeying them will result in account ban and loss of earnings

10. Minimum Number of Posts:
Actually, there is no answer about this because in my case I was accepted in AdSense even if my blog contains only 18 articles that have 300 to 1000 words per articles. May blogger claims that it must be 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 articles in order to be approved. 

For me, it's not about how many posts you have because its about the quality and the uniqueness of your articles. But we must set a minimum right, and my suggestion is to have at least 20 posts.

11. Blog Must be 6 Months Old:

In China and India, your blog must be 6 months old before you can apply for AdSense account. Google AdSense do this kind of policy to protect their advertiser because before fraud activities were very high in China and Inda. You can read the reasons of this from the article in

12. Other Ad Networks:
if you are using other ad networks like Chitika, Infolinks, Adveral, and Pop-Ups and Pop-Under. It is advisable to remove them first in order to make your blog clean and to get accepted.  You can put it later when AdSense team approves your AdSense application.

13. Illegal Paid Traffic:
You are not allowed to participate in the paid-to-click program. Using computer bots are also prohibited any fake shit is not allowed! My suggestion is to focus on organic SEO in order to get more visitors and more money.

14. 3rd Party Visitor Counter:
There are many visitor counter widgets available online. That you can use to track if where your visitor came from and who is currently viewing your blog. You can see their IP address, country, and city.

It is better to remove this counters when applying for AdSense. We will do this to ensure that the AdSense team will approve or application. Because I read an article that they are rejected because of these visitor counter widgets.

15. Annoying Sounds/Music/Video:
We need o remove any annoying sounds this maybe podcast, music or radio that you put on your blog. Also, remove the video from your blog sidebar that is set to autoplay. This kind of sounds is annoying and can destruct your visitors. And I'm sure Google AdSense employee will also be destructed by that sounds or video. Remove it so you won't regret later if your application is rejected.

Myth About Before Applying AdSense [False Information]

I saw many articles online posted by the famous blogger that you must have a top level domain in order to be accepted in Google AdSense program. So I research about that cause I don't have enough money to buy a Top Level Domain, and I found many blogs that have an AdSense with a and domain. 

It's not true that you must have a .com domain name before you can apply for AdSense. As you can see in my blog I'm using and I get accepted in AdSense program. Maybe in the future, I will buy a Top Level Domain but always remember to level domain is not a requirement to get accepted from AdSense.

Final Words

After you read this article I'm hoping that your questions are now answered. If you have further questions about this topic you are free to write that in the comment area bellow. Thank you so much guys just keep on visiting this blog, and please share this article. That's all Happy Blogging everyone!


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